by Mell Eight
It was interesting reading about both couples and being introduced to the magi. Dean was too self assured I feel unlike some of the other younger-ish dragons. I thought he would be more innocent like but I guess his 700 yrs of life gave him a lot of life experience. I kind of feel that the focus on ...
2.5 starsHmmm, a couple of friends' reviews said that this was their least favorite story from The Dragon's Hoard series. I have to agree (based on comparison with book #1 of course, since I have yet read book #3). I think the problem is the story features TWO couples within a novella length. Which ...
*pouts. I wanted more of Nyle+Leon...I really want to does Dean magically know about sex? I mean, isn't it a "not-dragon" thing to do? Maybe they just skipped all of the extemporizing and such that Leon and Nyle had? seemed like it was a foregone conclusion when it should have b...
Another fun read in the Dragon hoard series. This one is a little different since you have the story of two couples. Twins Laine and Blaine are very different and find polar opposite mates. Another well written story.
This was my least favorite of the series so far, it wasn’t bad it was just not as fun as the first and third.
Ok, Mell Eight is going on my auto-buy list, her stories are cute, sweet and have dragons. :)Laine and Blaine ( as the mother of twins myself, that made me shudder) were held as slaves for years, drained of magic and shackled. Blaine has been searching for his twin ever since he was freed, but when ...
4 HeartsReview to follow