Franklin's New Friend by Paulette Bourgeois is one of my childhood favorites. It is a wonderful story about friendship and making new friends. It teaches a valuable lesson on not "judging a book by its cover" and instead getting to know someone for who they are. I believe this would be a great read ...
Franklin's Secret Club would be a wonderful story to teach students the importance of not leaving people out of activities and including each other. This would be good to use in a kindergarten through 3rd grade class. This book could be used to teach about friendship. It could also be used if anyo...
In Franklin's Christmas Gift, Franklin's entire class is donating new and used toys to needy children. At first, Franklin can't decide which of his toys to donate; everything's so special to him that he can't imagine parting with any one of them! But when he learns that these children might not get ...
Got this for the niece-ish person and therefore, of course, had to reread. I love it almost as much as an adult as I did as a kid. The illustrations are charming, and Sadie has exactly the sort of odd ideas I remember having at that age (The sun is melting my snowman? Quick, build a tent to hide it!...
Franklin doesn't want to go out and play with his friends because he see's the clouds moving in the sky and a storm coming. Franklin is scared of storms, especially of the lighting and thunder that the storm brings, but his friend Fox convinces him to come over and play. When lightening strikes, thu...
At first my thoughts of this book was that it wasn’t that good but now I think of it more fondly. Franklin and his innocence of not knowing of the tooth fairy because turtle do not have teeth. His friend Bear looses his first tooth to make room for his growing up teeth. To Franklin this is a si...
I have a soft spot for stories about wee little folks and I think it's safe to say that they also universally appeal to children. Children like small things and small people are even better. There's a reason why Tinker Bell is the unofficial Disney mascot! Not surprisingly this Japanese folktale ...