UKL said she wanted to write about Europe but felt that as an American, she wouldn't be taken seriously if she did so - so she invented a central European country (Orsinia) in the hope that would allow her to get away with it. She set her first novel, Malafrena, there and talked about love and freed...
City of Illusions I liked this much more first time round, I think because it was the best Le Guin SF novel I had read at the time. Since then, Left Hand of Darkness and The Lathe of Heaven have completely overshadowed all these early works about the League of All Worlds. I'm not sure Le Guin has ev...
Scrolling back in time for a brief review: Probably the most conventional SF adventure tale Le Guin ever wrote and yet it shows glimmers of the concerns that would become trade-mark Le Guin themes; clash of cultures, reconciliation of differences, anthropology. Surprisingly violent.
Though cleverly disguised (and creditably densely written [on the surface anyways]) as a strictly academic text, 'Decoding Gender in Science Fiction' is an accessible and at times slyly comic look at Science Fiction through the lens of gender theory. Coming into this I thought I was reasonably well-...