Brian Farrey
Birth date: June 11
Brian Farrey's Books
This was not nearly as fluffy as I was expecting, and I loved that about it. It seemed like the sort of thing that would be a light, frothy children's adventure story, and I was up for that. The premise of a strange wood and a princess and peasant girl who are interested in the mysteries behind it...
I thought this was a really fun MG. Also, something different from the YA mind numbing, bang my head against a wall books I'd been getting stuck reading.Review to come.
With or Without You now takes its place in my top ten most memorable books of all time. Even a day later, I can't shake the full bevy of emotions that I've been feeling since I finished the book. What Brian Farrey has done is craft a story that is so real, so raw, that it is almost too tough to read...