Brian McKim is a professional standup comic who has appeared on numerous network and cable television shows. Along with his wife and fellow comedian Traci Skene, he created the acclaimed standup comedy website and authored "The Comedy Bible: The Complete Resource For Aspiring...
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Brian McKim is a professional standup comic who has appeared on numerous network and cable television shows. Along with his wife and fellow comedian Traci Skene, he created the acclaimed standup comedy website and authored "The Comedy Bible: The Complete Resource For Aspiring Comedians." The comedy couple was highlighted in Episode 3/Season 7 of NBC's "Last Comic Standing," the standup comedy reality show. Brian was a semifinalist on the show and performed on Episode 5, in a segment taped at the Alex Theater in Los Angeles.Hailing from Pennsauken, NJ, Brian currently lives in Las Vegas. His standup has been featured in the New York Underground Comedy Festival, the Las Vegas Comedy Festival, the Calgary FunnyFest and the Detroit Laughs Festival. "A Man And A Woman," his short film, co-written and co-directed with wife Traci, was included in the film portion of the Boston International Comedy & Film Festival. A thirty-year veteran of the standup comedy stage, Brian continues to perform in over 200 personal appearances a year at/on/in colleges, casinos, comedy clubs, corporate events and cruise ships.
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