Brian Perry is an author and speaker with a wide range of interests, all of which revolve around a desire to inspire, educate, and entertain. His newest book is The Holiday Party. Set against the backdrop of September 11, 2001, The Holiday Party is an inspirational novel that follows a heroic but...
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Brian Perry is an author and speaker with a wide range of interests, all of which revolve around a desire to inspire, educate, and entertain. His newest book is The Holiday Party. Set against the backdrop of September 11, 2001, The Holiday Party is an inspirational novel that follows a heroic but troubled cop whose burial in the rubble of the World Trade Center causes him to reexamine the wreckage of his past and his hopes for the future. Find out more at Brian's first book, From Piggybank to Portfolio, provided simple, easy to follow personal finance and investment guidelines designed to help readers get started on the road to financial security. Brian is currently hard at work on his next two projects. The Theory of Everyone is a memoir that traces a single life - from the dawn of the universe until the present. The Greediest Generation tells the story of the Baby Boomers through the lens of a jaded and sarcastic, but ultimately good-hearted hedge fund manager. In addition to his books, Brian has also written numerous articles, whitepapers, blog posts, and opinion pieces that have appeared in various media including magazines, websites, and newspapers. Obsessed with acquiring new experiences and knowledge, Brian is a compulsive reader, has visited more than three dozen countries and all fifty states, jumped out of planes, visited Mt. Everest, surfed in Bali, scuba dove in Belize, ridden a camel around the pyramids, taken flying lessons, completed an Ironman triathlon, run the New York City marathon in honor of police officers killed on 9/11, found time to attend five different universities*, attained multiple graduate degrees and the prestigious Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, and dressed up as Santa to deliver presents to a local children's hospital. Given his varied experiences, Brian is often asked what his proudest accomplishments are, and his response is always the same: overcoming the childhood murder of his father (a police officer killed in the line of duty three days before Christmas) and being the loving father and husband of a beautiful young son and a wonderful wife. In his free time these days, Brian enjoys spending time with his family, outdoor sports, ice hockey, reading, and traveling. Brian also supports organizations that are important to him, including the World Wildlife Fund, Toys for Tots, and Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS.) To learn more about Brian, visit him on his website at *For those interested the schools were: Villanova University; The MBA Program at Baruch College; The Fletcher School at Tufts University; The MBA Program at National University; The School of International Relations & Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego
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