CoverAuf dem Cover ist Gandalfs Gesicht in einer Nahaufnahme zu sehen. Er hält sein Schwert Glamdring seitlich an seinem Gesicht und blickt den Leser sehr eindringlich an. Ich finde dieses Cover unglaublich toll. Gandalf ist ein so ausdrucksstarker und wichtiger Charakter. Außerdem sind wir doch mal...
What an amazing book! I loved it, from the cover, to the little presents it brings inside! I could not stop staring at it and touching it the first couple of days. I remember that, when the first movie released, I used to cut all the articles and photos I find in any newspaper or magazine. If only I...
I love books like this. I've always loved learning about how things are made and for any film I'll always want to hear all the in depth stories about - not the actors - the lighting, the set dressing, the art director's planning, the weird issues the props manager had, the problems of the wigmakers ...
Der Hobbit - Eine unerwartete Reise. Das offizielle Filmbuch von Brian Sibley, erschienen im Klett-Cotta Verlag, beschäftigt sich mit allen möglichen Details rund um die Entstehungsgeschichte des ersten Hobbit-Films der kommenden Trilogie von Peter Jackson. Neben unglaublich vielen und schönen Bilde...
Fascinating read for the films as a companion book.
i LOVED this book but it really irks me that they didn't wait until DH part 2 could be included. the books feels incomplete because of that.
A must have for any Potter fan, containing interviews with cast and crew this book has everything you would ever want to know about the Potter films. I thoroughly enjoyed the input by production designer Stuart Craig, who reveals the detail that goes in to each set. The best bit by far has to be the...
This was one of my Christmas gifts, and I spent most of Christmas day reading this book. It is full of many cool things. There are little envolopes that have a bunch of stuff from the movies. Harry's acceptance letter toHogwarts, the Maurader's Map, Dolores Umbridge's educational decrees. You can't...
A middle class, middle aged dad in khaki shorts and fanny pack lays a map out on the hood of the family station wagon. "Well kids, I thought we'd start in the Shire then head off to Rivendell. Maybe catch the stoned trolls if we have time." His finger eagerly traces the route, passing over the map's...
For the Celebrity Death Match Review Tournament, Pride and Prejudice (1) versus Mary Poppins (32) NARRATOR: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an impecunious father with four unmarried daughters is in urgent need of a magic nanny. And so it came to pass that Miss Mary Poppins took up resid...