In this captivating young adult novel, Ashlyn McVean is thrown into the crosshairs of grudges her grandmother created long ago when she finds out she is one of two people able to cross between faerie realms. Never having believed in fairy tales, Ashlyn is faced with trying to understand her...
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In this captivating young adult novel, Ashlyn McVean is thrown into the crosshairs of grudges her grandmother created long ago when she finds out she is one of two people able to cross between faerie realms. Never having believed in fairy tales, Ashlyn is faced with trying to understand her abilities, while navigating a new relationship with her boyfriend, Liam. As if being on a centuries old hit list and dealing with crazed pixies isn’t enough, her new abilities mean danger for Liam and everyone else she loves. Ashlyn must decide what’s more important to her—her regular life with friends and family or her life within the faerie realms.
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Format: paperback
9780983722519 (098372251X)
Publish date: November 1st 2011
Publisher: Christopher Matthews Publishing
Pages no: 258
Edition language: English
Series: Bridger (#1)
Check out my full review HERE (:
I got this book to read and review from the Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy Fanatics! I liked the book- it began well, the story was good but it did suffer from the main-character-is-too-stupid-to-see-what-was-right-in-front-of-her syndrome. For about a quarter of the book, Ash got on my nerves. ...
If you think you read everything on supernatural creatures then you haven't heard the irish folklore. Ashlyn believed her life was noraml until tragic brew over her family and strange occurness that even had her grandmother "Memaw" grows in concern. The book takes the journey of Ashlyn's hertiage ba...