by P.C. Cast
When we last left our heroes; Cuchulainn was in mourning for Brenna and Elphame had mostly defeated the evil in the blood of the Formorians (don't get me started on the issues I have with inherited evil). Now Cuchulainn is on a quest to bring the Formorians to Castle MacCallan. Brighid decides to ...
I waver between 2.5 and 3. I think the first Partholon book was the best, and I didn't need to keep reading the series.
Oh my Goddess! Another beautyful book, amazingly well written, and telling a story that spoke to me on so many levels.
I liked this book. It isn't one of the better books, but it is a very endearing book. The story moves rather slow at times and in other places it seems to move to fast...Cu and Brighid's relationship being one of the faster times. I can understand how and why everything plays out the way it did, but...