I've wanted to read STORM for quite some time now and i actually downloaded the sampled chapter for my Kindle a while ago.The sample was good, just not great. I think that's what held me back for so long.Anyway I gave in and decided it could be my first Buddy Read book.Though it hit off straight awa...
The Merrick brothers, Michael, Gabriel, Nick and Chris are special.They are pure Elementals, meaning they have an unusual amount of power, with the element they "dominate".And because of that power, the other Elementals feared them and are set on eliminate them. Only a truce made some years ago, sta...
Storm was a lot of fun to reread knowing what was going to happen and watching for certain things. My only issue is since I still don't like Hunter I pretty much skimmed most of the parts involving him. I hope to get another short story with Becca and Chris at some point.