by Eddie Wright
"Everything is equal, Frank. Everything is nothing. Everything is our minds interpretation of what we see and the values that we ourselves place on them. All anyone wants in their lives is something. And if we look at anything and if we chose to place any value on anything in our lives we have somet...
Eddie Wright is another up and coming writer that you should keep your eye on.This book turned out to be a wild and bizarre ride through an addicts mind. However, this isn't a story about a traditional drug addict, oh no. The story is told through three main characters - Frank or Franky-boy, Dusty...
Love the style, love the premise, love the vulerability of the lead.The only thing that wasn't love for me was the sometimes forced moments. It came off a little like "Remember, I'm being unconventional!"
I'm totally confused but at the same time I get it. What a ride.
A fine debut novel by Goodreads author Eddie Wright, about a young man struggling to find a sense of self and purpose -- what he identifies as "somethingness." The story is strongest when it's inside Frank's consciousness, when Wright's ideas shine through. The writing was a bit weak in some patches...