Eleven years ago my parents were visiting me in Rome shortly after I had decided to become a pastor. My dad handed me a copy of "The Hammer of God" by Bo Giertz. I read it over the next day and a half. I couldn't put it down, and became obsessed with this mans work. Later at Concordia Theological...
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Eleven years ago my parents were visiting me in Rome shortly after I had decided to become a pastor. My dad handed me a copy of "The Hammer of God" by Bo Giertz. I read it over the next day and a half. I couldn't put it down, and became obsessed with this mans work. Later at Concordia Theological Seminary I decided to learn Swedish so I could read more of his works. But reading his works impressed upon me the necessity to translate them and share them with the rest of the English speaking world. "The Knights of Rhodes" is my latest contribution to this effort.I grew up a pastors kid and was blessed having the gospel shape my life growing up, knowing that Christ died for my sins. Not until later in life did I realize some people go to church their whole lives and never hear that. It was at that point I decided to become a pastor, I translate Bo Giertz because he is a master at applying the gospel to the lives of sinners.
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