The short story anthology Earth, Air, Fire, Water edited by Margaret Weis, the second and last collection of the Tales from the Eternal Archives, contains thirteen stories of varying quality loosely connected to one another through the titular mystical library. But unlike the first collection all t...
I'm adding this, because I've read an article by this author which I thoroughly agreed with.
There were some decent stories in this collection, but overall it wasn't particularly impressive.
Another one I'm glad I'm in. Some great stories in this volume of Polyphony.
This collection is pretty uneven. There are some really good stories and some not so good. The one that stands out in my mind is the Graham Masterson story, "The Seven Secret Senses" (I think that's the title). The protagonist is a young chef of Asian descent (yay) who gets approached by a strange, ...
It was okay. None of the stories really stood out but none struck me as terrible either. Some were a little hard to get into because the conflict lacked context.
Alien Pets is a novel about, well, Alien Pets. Contained within are stories that are warm and fuzzy, hilarious and downright heartbreaking (though most are on the lighter side). As is the case with most anthologies, some of the stories just couldn’t hold my interest (the more techie sci-fi based one...
This was a terrific fantasy anthology all about dreaming. Most of the stories are 8+ or better with only a dud or two. I bought this one because of the stories by Josepha Sherman & Susan Sizemore but ended up enjoying many of the other authors too.