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The ragman sneezes and mixes up the humans and animals. He has to resneeze to get them right again. It is funny and silly to watch what happens as he sneezes then he has to made sure he gets it right to get the people and animals back to their right looks.
I just read this to the kids, they enjoyed it, but I loved it, the writing was really good, it was my kind of sense of humor, I was thinking that I would want to read more from the same author, keep in mind this was a kids illustrated book!The three stars is because in the end there was no point to ...
The kids were laughing quite a bit at this book. It was a fun little story.
This collection of short poems lacks the charm of Ahlberg's collaborations with his wife Janet, both textually and visually. It's okay, but that's all. Kind of...pointless. It would be all right for small kids being newly introduced to poetry, but not as good as other earlier Ahlberg books. Furtherm...
This is a book that I would have overlooked all together if not for my daughter picking it out on her own. I'm just not generally drawn to this style of illustration. And truth be told the whole thing looks and reads like an eight to ten year old put it together. But that doesn't make it any less...