Bruce McAllister is known primarily for his literary fiction and fantasy, science fiction and thriller fiction, which he's been publishing professionally since he was sixteen. He was born in 1946 in Baltimore, MD, to a peripatetic Navy family with an Annapolis-graduate father who served with...
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Bruce McAllister is known primarily for his literary fiction and fantasy, science fiction and thriller fiction, which he's been publishing professionally since he was sixteen. He was born in 1946 in Baltimore, MD, to a peripatetic Navy family with an Annapolis-graduate father who served with NATO during the Cold War and an underdog-championing anthropologist/archeologist mother whose specialties were Early Man and Native American studies. As children, he and his brother Jack lived in Florida, Washington D.C., California and Italy. From l974 to l997 he taught at the University of Redlands in southern California, where he helped establish and direct writing programs. Since l998 he has worked as a writing coach and book and screenplay consultant. His short fiction has appeared in literary quarterlies, national magazines, original anthologies, "year's best" anthologies and college readers; won awards from Glimmer Train magazine and the National Endowment for the Arts; and been a finalist for the Hugo, Nebula and New Letters awards. His non-fiction articles on sports, popular science and writing have appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers. He has three wonderful children--Annie, Ben and Elizabeth--and lives in Costa Mesa, California, with his wife, choreographer Amelie Hunter.
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