Learning to See Creatively, Third Edition: Design, Color, and Composition in Photography by Bryan Peterson is built on the idea that creativity and the art of seeing from behind a camera lens can be taught. With a conversational writing style, detailed photographic examples, and exercises for me to ...
Understanding Exposure is regularly touted as the bible for understanding exposure; I guess it's lucky that [a:Peterson|82078|Bryan Peterson|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1314275996p2/82078.jpg] titled the book as he did. I've had my copy for a while now – a generous Christmas or birthday present s...
I liked many of the "assignments" he had for perfecting one's "eye" for composition, although in general, I found his photos rather boring. His focus was mainly commercial photography, which isn't what I want to do. Still, it was worth reading through.
I was really hoping there'd be some sort of magic that would help to make this whole F stop business make better sense to me, but I'm not finding that to be true. I suppose I'll have to give in and take an actual, physical photography class, because I am just. not. getting it.