by Catt Ford
It was nice, but the fact it took me forever to finish says it all.
4 Stars I absolutely adored Catt Ford's Bullheaded, so I jumped at the chance to read “Bully for You.” It's the story of a femme young man, Martin, who is no longer at his youngest and perkiest. He convinces his friends to go to the rodeo. They are all gay and live in Washington DC. The rodeo is...
This was fun but I found the conversations between Martin, Dale and Curt to be too banter heavy for me. I really enjoyed Martin and Jesse together, they were hot and actually had a lot in common with just enough differences to make things interesting. It's definitely a HFN though as much as I'd love...
This cover?! Ha ha ha! I just want to scream, "Get it gurl! Twerk for the camera!"
A feel-good story where opposites attract.Jesse rides bulls for a living, Martin is in finance. Jesse is a country boy with a ranch, Martin is a city boy. Jesse is athletic, Martin is flamboyant.....The story starts with Marti dragging his friends to the rodeo and then to a bar afterwards. "You are ...
3.65*The blurb is pretty accurate. Marti and his pals put the flame in flaming. His Swarovski decorated shirt, eyeliner, designer jeans and new fashionable boots are the perfect outfit to go see the cowboys riding the bulls and if nothing else have fun admiring the eye candy.Marti is out and proud, ...
3.5 stars
3.5 stars.
3.5 rounded up to 4. Loved the characters and plot, but I was left wanting a better resolution. (not that it's bad, I just wanted these guys to have their HEA!)
3.5 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews a lovely, lovely little story. So fun and funny and challenging yet again with the difference of the characters. I loved it, I loved them.Martin was O.M.Gee! fabulous. The flamboyancy of that character was p...