by Publishers Lunch
NETGALLEY You Gem. You Tease!How I adored this little tasting session. It reminded me of going to a really nice restaurant and relishing in the delights offered before the course. Wait, no this was like a salad. It had its highlights, and oh did it have its low points. I am reluctant to point ou...
This collection was put together as a sneak preview to some of the great new books coming out this fall. My copy, from NetGalley, was free in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to get your own ebook of the collection, it is available from most major ebookstores. There are so many great...
Even if you don't like one of the sampled books, this is well worth a purchase. You can figure out quickly and easily without spending a lot more on a full book which ones you like or don't like. With this, you can discover new authors you never read before, contact budding authors with your comment...
My, oh my. I think I'm set for autumn and winter now!So many great extracts, and I found that I really enjoyed some that I thought at first glance just weren't my cup of tea.Now I just have to hope that I'm accepted for the ones that I absolutely must have! I'm really buzzing now, quite excited for ...
I enjoyed this quick, *huge* look at some upcoming releases. I got to read excerpts from some very interesting authors. This is a reading addicts dream guide, filled with so many samples to taste. I have already made a ridiculously large list of new authors to read. I don't how I will be happy witho...
So excited for so many of these books! It's a bittersweet feeling because I already have so many other I want to read!
It's sad that I love these promos right? Especially since I almost never get the ARC's for the featured novels =PBut whatever, it gets you excited for reading I guess! Here's what can’t wait to read: [b:The Edge of Normal|17227769|The Island on the Edge of Normal|Guy New York|https://d202m5krfqbpi5....