by Philippe Claudel, Hoyt Rogers
Grey Souls was another bookclub read from a meeting that unfortunately could not take place due to the COVID-19 social distancing we are currently in. This was not a book I would have picked myself, and although I once read Monsieur Linh and His Child I did not remember much about it (I looked up my...
bookshelves: france, published-2003, historical-fiction, spring-2010, translation, wwi, mystery-thriller Read from May 24 to June 03, 2010 ** spoiler alert ** Won the prix Renaudot award in France, was shortlisted for the American Gumshoe Award, and won Sweden's Martin Beck Award. In addition to ...
Perhaps in the original this works. But as is, I'm simply not persuaded.
Won the prix Renaudot award in France, was shortlisted for the American Gumshoe Award, and won Sweden's Martin Beck Award. In addition to his writing, Philippe Claudel is a Professor of Literature at the University of Nancy.I don't quite know where to begin.