By Nightfall
9781554689897 (1554689899)
Publish date: 2010
Publisher: HarperCollins
Edition language: English
Book Club,
Literary Fiction,
New York,
After studying his Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel The Hours in college, there was no doubt in my mind that Michael Cunningham is one of the America’s most brilliant living writers. Seamlessly weaving Virginia Woolf’s life and fiction with a story of his own creating, Cunningham’s novel is an intellige...
Hm. W zasadzie nie wiem, co powiedzieć. Mam wrażenie, jakby coś ukrywało się pod warstwą tekstu, sens właściwy, ale nie ukryty tam celowo, tylko raczej słabo wyeksponowany, trudno dostrzegalny pod lawiną słów. Peter, w swojej pogoni za pięknem, młodością, sztuką, emocjami, czymś nowym, świeżym i w...
Jeste li znali da Mana zovu zaštitnikom nemogućih ljubavi? Ko voli Mana izvolite. Kaningem je definitivno pisac vrijedan pažnje.
I like Michael Cunningham. He’s very clever and goes deep into his characters’ heads. This novel has the kind of The New Yorker-y plot that I usually don’t care for (rich straight couple lead brittle, unfulfilling lives and don’t communicate well) but I did like this book. The main character Peter i...
3.5 starsThis was a really interesting, insightful book. I didn't understand a lot of the art talk, the specifics anyway, but I understood what he was saying. Hugh Dancy was amazing as the narrator. He has such an amazing, articulate way of reading that I did not get bored or tired of hearing him. T...