by Lyla Payne
I utterly abhor authors that self rates their book... of course you think it's amazing. Sadly I didn't see that until I read it. It's tacky people.I did enjoy this book, it's a step above the first one in the series. There was exactly one scene I had issues with. Song and dance, sure you're a theate...
3 starsI liked the first book. But this book, it was disappointing. I almost put By Referral Only in my DNF shelf because of Ruby. She was very annoying. After a few chapters, the story was no longer appealing to me. She ruined it for me and I hated her for it. I'd rate this book 2 stars but I put i...
I'm in love with a certain Scottish boy in this book. Swooning at all these Whitman boys! Full review to follow for the blog tour.