by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Cherry Jones
Another interesting read in the Little House series. Sigourney remains fascinated by everything Laura. And I'm loving the example Laura sets for young girls. Sure, everyone in the family needs to chip in on chores, and teaching and child-raising are extremely important jobs. But in no way should a g...
I really love the pioneer spirit in this novel. It is even stronger than in Little House on the Prairie. I was feeling with the family and especially with Laura much more than in the previous books. I so hoped that things would turn out alright for them especially when Laura's father gets his claim....
This is very obviously a 'transitional' book where Laura has to get her and her family from one place to the next but not much happens. It's a true sign of a good author, however, when even books where 'not much happens' are well worth reading :)
One of the few books I read in elementary school. I still remember bits and pieces of it. I loved this series.
Second Grade, my friend and I sat by the brick wall and read every little house on the prairie book together during every recess. We just found each other again via Facebook. She remembers those times.