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C.B. Conwy
C.B. Conwy's Books
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Community Reviews
Susan rated it 8 years ago
I absolutely loved this sweet hurt/comfort BDSM story, right up until one thing happened that totally ruined the book for me. I’m still kind of angry.Andy, a 24 year old muscular carpenter knows he wants to sub, but he thinks someone has to beat him really hard for him to feel something.It is clear ...
B3 - Brooklyn's Book Bites
B3 - Brooklyn's Book Bites rated it 10 years ago
I wish I had more background on Tom. We hardly saw him interact with anyone other than Mischa. Other folks in his life were mentioned a tiny bit, but we never saw him in his life outside of Mischa. So I felt I didn't really know him as well as I should.
Fiordiligii rated it 11 years ago
Dear CB ConwyI think you may have spoiled me forever for a number of BDSM (gay and het) novels out there I previously might have found entertaining if not outstanding. As it is, I totally fell in love with Mischa and Tom and would love to have another fix, because they became one of my favourite m/m...
Fiordiligii rated it 11 years ago
Dear CB ConwyI think you may have spoiled me forever for a number of BDSM (gay and het) novels out there I previously might have found entertaining if not outstanding. As it is, I totally fell in love with Mischa and Tom and would love to have another fix, because they became one of my favourite m/m...
liz blue ~ paperback reader
liz blue ~ paperback reader rated it 11 years ago
First 30% was a struggle for me, so I kept stepping away from this. When the relationship developed more on the emotional side, I started to enjoy Mischa and Tom together. This included some new to me kink that wasn't really my thing, but I did enjoy much of the book. And it's certainly full of hot ...
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