I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Anima is a Dreamweaver who harvested the dreams of humans, Dmitri is a pilot who opens the portal in the Realm for the harvester to enter the world to collect Lumus, energy harvested from humans in exchange for dreams. Anima began feeling differe...
FIRE AND ICE by Elise Faber The Forgotten, humans who had been experimented on during WWII in an attempt to activate genes in their DNA that would enable them to control elemental magic - they fled certain death at the hands of the Dalshie. The Rengalla, group of immortal humans who possessed ex...
I meet amazing authors by reading this book. When I read Elise's story I was hooked! She's so freaking talented and I'm so glad I hopefully introduce others to her writing as well!
***this review focuses on Fire and Ice by Elise Faber*** Once again Elise Faber knocks it out of the park! Fire and Ice finally tells us the story of Stephanie and Dom, characters from the Phoenix/LexTal stories that Elise so beautifully told. I love reading about characters that share a past. It's ...
Loved loved loved this one. I like how we can sample different authors all in one book. My favourite was definitely Elise Faber. I already love the LexTal world that Elise has introduced to me and this has helped me understand that world a bit better. Five great stars. Well done to the authors invol...
I received an ARC of this anthology and am writing my review based on "Fire and Ice," which is Elise Faber's story. "Fire and Ice" is sexy, funny, and action-packed. It gives us further insight into the lives of Steph and Dom, who are characters from the world in Elise's Phoenix series. Steph has ...
It's not too often that I can say a book genuinely surprised me, but this one really did! I thought I had a semi-solid idea of where things were heading, but I was way off. I had never even considered it. And let me tell you, it was a way cool twist. Sorry about the general vagueness here, but I wou...