A man who put his stamp onto his time more than any other, Julius Caesar increased his power and fame by writing his own history and then selling it to the public. His commentaries on the conquest of Gaul as well as his memoirs of the civil war he fought to dominate the Roman republic are...
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A man who put his stamp onto his time more than any other, Julius Caesar increased his power and fame by writing his own history and then selling it to the public. His commentaries on the conquest of Gaul as well as his memoirs of the civil war he fought to dominate the Roman republic are valuable descriptions of Roman military strategy. As well, Caesar’s leadership abilities present themselves in everything that he does.Included in this book is Suetonius's "Life of the Divine Julius Caesar" as well as a character study of the man by Thomas DeQuincy.Interspersed within this edition are not only active links to all the chapters but small explanations and summaries along the way. Part of the History Alive! series, this book allows a person who was present at the time to tell us, in his own words, what happened. When we read his words, history resounds in our minds.
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