by G. Willow Wilson, M.K. Perker
Cairo - G. Willow Wilson, M.K. Perker Читать было сложно из-за присутствия множества названий на английском арабском - я до сих пор не понимаю что значит, например, y'anniНо история хорошая, графика тоже ничего That was hard to read because I didn't understand some words and phrases (which I ...
The art was less than satisfying but I find that's generally the case with modern comics.
This. This. This is what graphic novels are for. Augh. I want to read more stuff like this immediately. A hashish dealer, a wannabe revolutionary journalist, an Israeli soldier, a wannabe suicide bomber, and a wannabe something/anything from the O.C. get drawn into a conflict between a gangster and ...
G. Willow Wilson nimmt den Leser mit auf ihre persönliche Reise in ein unbekanntes Land, eine fremde Kultur und eine Religion, von der man viel hört, aber wenig weiß. Nachdem sie während des Studiums zum Islam konvertierte, möchte sie nun für einige Zeit in einem muslimischen Land leben, ohne wie im...
We have an international program at the college where I work, and the person in charge of the program has been ordering graphic novels set in foreign countries, like Persepolis, in an effort to make it easier for students to learn about foreign cultures. When I saw this title, and saw that it was p...