by Ralph Cosham, John le Carré
I've been meaning to read John LeCarre for decades, at least. I've heard a lot of really good things about several of the George Smiley books, including The Spy Who Came In From the Cold and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. One of the issues with my pathological completism is that I am compelled to beg...
A wonderful, Cold-War spy tale and my first foray into the work of John le Carré. I'm so impressed with his impeccable prose and can't wait to begin another of his work in the near future.
It's good enough for someone's first novel. but i have to read another novels by le Carré.first pages were a little slow, but it got better in middle of the book. worth for reading
3.5 starsSimplistic and straightforward, especially compared to [b:The Secret Pilgrim|46462|The Secret Pilgrim (George Smiley, #8)|John le Carré||876061], which is the only other John le Carré book I've read. It's espionage mixed with ...
In Call for the Dead, we’re introduced to the British Secret Service’s George Smiley in the inimitable, clever style of John Le Carre. The author’s Berne University and Oxford education come to the fore on the vehicle of his prose: the learned thriller.From the moment the rather anti-Bondian Smiley ...
Call for the Dead didn't waste a bit of time getting started. We are quickly introduced to our hero, and he's immediately cast into compelling intrigue. Great! Then our hero gets the snot beaten out of him, and I lost all interest in the book. I'm not really sure what happened here. I was inter...
It's a masterful debut novel by the king of the 'realistic' spy novel. It has a simple enough plot, albeit full of twists and crosses, and it establishes characters we'll come to know better later on down the road - or, as the case may be, characters we already know and now have the pleasure of see...
Le Carre's first Smiley novel; more of a detective story, following the investigation of a suspicious suicide, than a spy novel. Le Carre's characters absolutely sparkle and his dialog is excellent. Le Carre is a master craftsman and this, one of his "lesser" novels is certainly proof of that.
Started 6-21-10I had forgotten how much I like George. A great introduction to him and a good mystery.