by Tess Oliver
This was a surprising read for me. It was suggested to me by my cousin as a fun read and I decided to give it a go. Camille was not only fun but a very interesting read! The characters really made the book and I'll be keeping an eye out for more by Tess Oliver.
Kindle free download 10/09/2012.
Dude, this was ,like, perfection. :)
I was expecting just a little bit more. As is, my feelings for Camille and Strider run along the lines of lukewarm. Where Strider’s story involves a love found and a love that-might-be-lost all because of his looming transformation, it is Camille’s contribution that is more specific, with a Doctor, ...
2.5 starsThis was ok.There wasn't much keeping me reading. The protagonist was naive, childish and annoying most of the time. She bugged the bejesus out of me. The romance was not beliabable. It had no building up to it and I'm tired of the 'love at first sight' romance that keeps happening on most ...
If I had to describe this book in one word it would simply be: sweet. I was a little skeptical that this book could draw me in and keep me there in such few pages. But I am happy I gave it a chance. Camille is the story of a young girl living in England who hunts werewolves alongside Dr. Bennett, he...
“I quieted my trembling hands, swallowed to wet my dry throat, and cursed myself for becoming so ridiculously agitated at the sight of him. Perhaps Dr. Bennett would be better for this task.“ How right you are, you insufferable wench. For Dr. Bennett would not inform us on each and every page how a...
After reading this, Tess Oliver pretty much became my favourite Author. Her writing is beautiful and compels you to read more of Camille's story and for once, I even enjoyed the romance! Camille, isn't your typical 19th century heroine, I mean, she fights werewolves for a living! She's not really us...