Born in small-town Texas, Cara Carnes was a princess, a pirate, fashion model, actress, rock star and Jon Bon Jovi's wife all before the age of 13. In reality, her fascination for enthralling worlds took seed somewhere amidst a somewhat dull day job and a wonderful life filled with family and...
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Born in small-town Texas, Cara Carnes was a princess, a pirate, fashion model, actress, rock star and Jon Bon Jovi's wife all before the age of 13. In reality, her fascination for enthralling worlds took seed somewhere amidst a somewhat dull day job and a wonderful life filled with family and friends. When she's not cemented to her chair, Cara loves traveling, photography and reading.For more information, check out her website at The Rending reading order:Redemption Redemption's Forgiveness SalvationSpecific information about The Rending series can be found at Phoenix reading order:Phoenix RisingPhoenix Crossing Please feel free to drop me a line at For the latest information, sign up for my newsletter. Happy Reading!
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