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Caraval - Community Reviews back

by Stephanie Garber
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99 problems, and a book ain't one
99 problems, and a book ain't one rated it 6 years ago
I'm torn on my feelings about this book. The world was magical and exciting (for the most part), very vivid and easy to get swept up in. But the characters kinda fell a little flat for me. I still have some hope that Lengend seems rather complex. I am left feeling a bit like in this 3D world Garber ...
Carmilla Reads
Carmilla Reads rated it 6 years ago
I feel as though I was tricked into reading a romance, and not a particularly well written romance at that. From the blurb I anticipated a strange and twisted fantasy with plenty of mystery and while there are elements of this, the focus of the story is an uninteresting and trope filled romance. The...
Lovely Bookworm's Blog
Lovely Bookworm's Blog rated it 7 years ago
SPOILER ALERT: No one really dies in the game that Scarlett, does my love for her count though? I have finally finished Caraval! It took me such a long time but I wanted to give it a chance. The first 200 pages were so boring that I nearly put the book down but being the person I am, I decided tha...
Bark at the Ghouls
Bark at the Ghouls rated it 7 years ago
I started this book this morning thinking it was something else. That something else was supposed to be The Night Circus. I have no idea why I confused the two but after listening to over an hour of this book I realized it is not meant for the likes of me. I'm sure sisters Scarlett & Tella have all ...
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) rated it 7 years ago
Title: CaravalAuthor: Stephanie GarberGenre: FantasyYear Published: 2017Number of Pages: 407 pagesDate Read: 10/11/2017Series: Caraval #1Publisher: Flatiron BooksSource: PurchasedContent Rating: Ages 15+ (Themes of Child Abuse and Deaths)Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse “Every person has the pow...
Lost Girls Reviews
Lost Girls Reviews rated it 7 years ago
“It is not fate, it is simply the future observing that which we crave most. Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.” I don't remember the last time I read a book that I enjoyed as much as I enjoyed Caraval. I am s...
sensitivemuse rated it 8 years ago
What I loved the most about the book was the setting of Caraval. It’s so beautifully descriptive it feels like a magical place. You’re taken back to the feeling when you were a wee little one and you’re in Disneyland for the first time in your life. It’s that magical feel good feeling that comes bac...
Just One More Chapter
Just One More Chapter rated it 8 years ago
In a world where nothing is certain but your unwavering love for your sister and the undeniable fact that you're dad is an evil lump of rotted plum smelling $h!t, what will you do to escape? What will it take to save your sister in the process? What alliances will you forge and what sorted things wi...
Books Less Travelled
Books Less Travelled rated it 8 years ago
Loved it! This one kept me on my toes, and I couldn't get enough!This book! *le gasp!* Its A-MAZ-ING! LOVE, LOVE, LOVED IT! Oh NY goodness this one is my top favorite read this year, (though I'm still holding out for ACOWAR ;) I loved the characters, the plot, the magic, this BOOK! I was worried aft...
Mallory Kellogg, Chubbygirlreads
Mallory Kellogg, Chubbygirlreads rated it 8 years ago
I'm not sure there is much worse to a book lover than waiting forever for a book to come out and then for it to fall flat. This book was just so....meh. Not bad, really. But definitely not what I was hoping. I wanted magic and romance and adventure. We got a heroine that was too stupid to live, a si...
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