Cheerleading Can Be Murder is not as much horror as it was maybe suspense. Dakota wants to be on the High School varsity cheerleading squad but she knows there is really only two slots available and getting one of those slots is going to be hard. Then some strange things start to happen and th...
Featuring Mytopia by Samie SandsMia is a young girl whom her mother has sheltered and tried to protect all her life. She just wants her little girl to be safe and not to get hurt. So that is probably why Mia has always kept to herself never letting anyone in resulting in her having no friends. You s...
Great SuspenseComing from the UK, I don't understand the importance of high school girls wanting to be cheerleaders, but you don't need to know to enjoy this book.Dakota has started high school and like a lot of girls her age wants to be on the Cheerleading squad. Unbeknown to her there is a sociopa...
This town just keeps getting darkerBook 2 of the Flocksdale Files and a new set of victims.Marieanne is not happy that she has to leave her friends and school in Ohio, when her stepfather gets a new job in Flocksdale. On their way to her new home which her stepfather inherited of his aunt, she notic...
Brilliant readThe prologue introduces us to a young girl about to take her last fix of heroin before she enters rehab yet again.Go back 8 years and you get to know Wendi Wise a typical 13 year old who with her best friend Claire trick her mom so she can meet 2 boys. But what she did not plan on was ...
Brilliant readThe prologue introduces us to a young girl about to take her last fix of heroin before she enters rehab yet again.Go back 8 years and you get to know Wendi Wise a typical 13 year old who with her best friend Claire trick her mom so she can meet 2 boys. But what she did not plan on was ...