Carlos Fuentes
Birth date: November 11, 1928
Died: May 15, 2012
Carlos Fuentes's Books
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Admit it, you thought math was boring in school, didn't you? Here to prove it doesn't have to be that way is Carl Lupton, with a multimodal story- and work-book that engagingly presents basic geometry ideas to an elementary school audience. It's a clever book on many levels. First, the story its...
Excellent writing. But... someone spoiled for me (I have no luck with spoilers), so please if you read this book, don't tell anyone this is a "phantom" story.
«گمان میبرید که من آمدهام تا آرامش را بر زمین جاری سازم؟ نه: من آمدهام تا جدایی اندازم. از این پس خانهها به دو نیم تقسیم خواهد شد: پدر بر پسر و پسر بر پدر خواهد شورید.»سخنان عیسی مسیح در انجیل که خایمه سیبایوس در بخشی از کتاب زمزمه میکرد، از فصل پنجم، صفحهٔ ۱۰۵ و ۱۰۶، برگردان محمد امینی لاهیجی،...
More like 3.75 stars...glittery little fangs to pierce you with, my dear. Review at source. ETA correct source...sheesh...Goodreads not LibraryThing since almost all y'all are GR members.
This was an interesting book, powerful when the language caught me but ultimately just not enough to my taste to let me sink into it and really lose myself. It is a book during which I never forgot I was reading a book, for lack of a better way to explain it. It takes the life of an American journal...