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This is a Dark of the Moon prequel, and it's far superior to the movie. There aren't any gaping plotholes like what Sentinel Prime did at the end of DotM. It also gave me a lot that I liked. A Barricade versus Bumblebee scene. More insight into Arcee, Elita-One and Chromia. More about whe...
This is hardcore, old school Robocop. This is what I wanted Robocop 2, Robocop 3, and the reboot to be. It's all Lewis and Murphy fighting back the best they can, even when they're not able to be out on the street together. It makes me all tingly in all the right places because it's violence ...
And apparently didn't review it. Possibly because I finished, and went, 'holy shit!' That ending was unexpected. Very unexpected. Having now read the next volume, I can see why it was set up this way, and what it was setting up later, but I was blown away when I read it, and probably just ...
The history grows. Who's betraying their faction, their species, and why become more and more convoluted; I feel like I need a map of the shifting loyalties at this point! And I'm loving it, because it's real reasons, real doubts, realistically portrayed. The war is starting to heat up, and ...
Apes and humans are gearing up for another war, and it's interesting to see not only how the they interact, but how the apes holding the power exacerbates that tension. The splinter group between the apes - chimpanzees, orangoutangs, etc - also create some realistic tension between those in power....