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Carmen Boullosa
Carmen Boullosa was born on September 4, 1954, in Mexico City, Mexico. She has a daughter and a son – María Aura (an actress, “Y tu mamá también”, “El año de Ricardo”), and Juan Aura (film producer, “Las paredes hablan”, “El cielo es azul”) – and lives in Coyoacán (at Mexico City), and in... show more

Carmen Boullosa was born on September 4, 1954, in Mexico City, Mexico. She has a daughter and a son – María Aura (an actress, “Y tu mamá también”, “El año de Ricardo”), and Juan Aura (film producer, “Las paredes hablan”, “El cielo es azul”) – and lives in Coyoacán (at Mexico City), and in Brooklyn, N.Y.. She is married to Mike Wallace, co-author of “Gotham”, the Pulitzer prize winning history of New York City. WEB SITE: www.carmenboullosa.netTWITTER: @carmenboullosaCAREER OVERVIEW: Boullosa is the author of six volumes of poetry (the most recent one La patria insomne, Hiperión, Madrid), seventeen novels, a book of essays, and ten plays (seven staged). Her work has been published by leading houses in Latin America and Spain (Ediciones Siruela, Octavio Paz' Vuelta, among others), and translated into ten languages, garnering much critical aclaim. She has read at book fairs and festivals in Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, Holland, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Austria, Spain, England, Belgium, Switzerland, Argentina, Nicaragua and Chile. There are scores of books and over sixty doctoral dissertations that deal with her work. La otra mano de Lepanto was accounted by an international survey of authorities to be among the top works of literature written in Spanish in the last twenty-five years. She has taught at NYU (the Andrés Bello Chair), Columbia University, La Sorbonne (Alfonso Reyes Chair), Georgetown, and San Diego State University, and was Distinguished Lecturer at City College (2004-2010). She has lectured at Oxford, Cambridge, Heidelberg, Freie Univertät, Irvine, Brown, UCLA, Yale, the Library of Congress, and UNAM, among other universities and academic institutions. She has been interviewed numerous times by the academic, literary, and journalistic print media, and appears repeatedly on radio and tv. She publishes a regular column in one of Mexico City’s leading newspapers, El Universal. She is co-host of the CUNY-TV program Nueva York, and has been awarded five NY-EMMYS. She has also run a theater bar, printed her own art books, directed some of her plays, co-founded (with Salman Rushdie) a house for persecuted writers in Mexico City, served as a Chief Advisor to a major museum exhibition (Nueva York 1613-1945), engaged in the writing and production of a feature film Las paredes hablan. An exhibit of some of her art will be held at Museo Carrillo Gil (Las despechadas), in Mexico City, on June 2014. AWARDS, HONORS: 2012: Global Cultural Leader,WEF, Davos, 2012. 2009: Premio de novela Café Gijón, Madrid, for El complot de los románticos.2007: El velázquez de París was selected by the literary supplement Confabulario as one the year’s five best novels. Also her collection of short stories book, El fantasma y el poeta, was named by Reforma as the second best such volume that year. 2006: La novela perfecta, Reforma’s best novel of the year.2005: La otra mano de Lepanto, Reforma’s best novel of the year.2004: Salto de mantarraya (y otros dos), Reforma’s best book of poems for the year. 2001-2002: Cullman Center Fellow, at the Center for Scholars and Writers of the New York Public Library.1997: Anna Seghers Prize (Arts Academy of Berlin) awarded for all her work, which was then analyzed by 16 academics from different countries at the Latinoamerican Institute at Berlin.1996: Liberatur Prize, Frankfurt, awarded to the German translation of La Milagrosa- Die Wundertäterin (Surhamp Verlag, Frankfurt, 1995). 1992: Guggenheim Fellowship, 1992. 1989: Prize Xavier Villaurrutia, for Antes, La salvaja, and Papeles irresponsables. 1985: Playwright of the Year, for Los Totoles. SELECTED PUBLISHED WORKSBOOKS: POEMS: La patria insomne, Editorial Hiperión, Madrid, 2012. Allucinata e Selvaggia, Poesia scelte 1989-2004. A cura di Marta Canfield. Ed. Lietocolle, Florence, Italy, 2008. Salto de mantarraya (y otros dos), Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 2004.La bebida, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico, 2002. Salto de mantarraya, illustr. Phillip Hugues, trans. Psiche Hugues, The Old School Press, England, 2002. Agua, con dibujos de Juan Soriano, Taller Martín Pescador, México, 2000. Jardín Elíseo, Elyssian Garden, trad. Psiche Hugues, litografías de Phillip Hughes, Monterrey, México, 1999. La Delirios, poems, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City, 1998.Niebla, Taller Martín Pescador, México, 1997. Envenenada: antología personal, Fondo Editorial Pequeña Venecia, Venezuela, 1993. Soledumbre, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico City), 1992. La salvaja, FCE, México, 1989. La salvaja, Taller Martín Pescador, México, 1988. Abierta, Delegación Venustiano Carranza (Mexico), 1983. Lealtad, illust. Magali Lara, Taller Martín Pescador, Mexico City, 1981.Ingobernable, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, 1979. El hilo olvida, La Máquina de Escribir, Mexico City, 1979.NOVELS:Texas, Editorial Alfaguara, México. English translation: TEXAS, translated by Samantha Schnee, DeepVellum, 2014. Las paredes hablan, Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, Autumn, 2010.El complot de los románticos, Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 2009. La virgen y el violín, Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 2008. El velázquez de París, Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 2007. La novela perfecta, Editorial Alfaguara, México, 2006. La otra mano de Lepanto, Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 2005. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 2005. A Outra Mâo de Lepanto, translated to the Portuguese by Paulo César Thomaz, Editora Palindromo, Sao Paolo, Brasil, September, 2006.De un salto descabalga la reina, Editorial Debate, Madrid, 2002. English version: Cleopatra Dismounts, Grove Press, 2003, trans. Geoff Hargreaves. Forthcoming in Russian. Treinta años, Alfaguara, 1999. English version: Leaving Tabasco, Grove Press, New York, 2001, trans. Geoff Hargraves.Cielos de la tierra, Alfaguara, 1997.Quizá, Monte Avila Editores, Caracas, 1995.Duerme, Alfaguara, Madrid, 1994. German: Der fremde Tod, edition Suhrkamp, 1994, trans. Susanne Lange. French: Duerme, L’eau des lacs du temps jadis, L’atalante, 1997, and Le serpent a plumes 1999, trans. by Claude Fell. Italian: Dorme, Ed. Le Lettere, 2000, trans. Antonella Ciabatti. Dutch: De Schone Slaapster, Arena, Amsterdam, 1995, trans. Aline Glastra von Loon. Will soon appear in Arab. La milagrosa, Ediciones ERA, 1993. English version: The Miracle Worker, Jonathan Cape, London, 1994, trans. Amanda Hopkinson. German: Die Wundertäterin, edition Surhkamp, 1993, trans. Susanne Lange. Italian: La Miracolosa, Vallecchi Editore, 1996, and La Milagrosa, Feltrinelli, 2001, trans. Pino Cacucci.El Médico de los piratas: bucaneros y filibusteros en el Caribe, Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 1992. Llanto: novelas imposibles, Ediciones ERA, 1992.Son vacas, somos puercos: filibusteros del mar Caribe, Ediciones ERA, Mexico City, 1991, English version: They're Cows, We're Pigs, Grove Press, New York, 1997, trans. Lee Chambers. German: Sir sind Kühe, wir sind Schweine, edition Surhkamp, trans. Erna Pfeiffer, 1991; French: Eux les vaches, nous les porcs, Le serpent a plumes, Paris, 2002, trans. Claude Fell. Antes, Vuelta, Mexico City, 1989. German version: Verfolgt, trans. Susanne Lange, Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin, 1996. Chinese: ed. 1999. French: Avant, Les Allusifs, trans. Sabine Coudassot-Ramírez, Quebec, Canadá, 2002.Mejor desaparece, Océano, Mexico City, 1987. English version: Just disappear, trans. Christi Rodgers, VDM Verlag, 2009. SHORT STORIES:El fantasma y el poeta, Ediciones Sexto Piso, México, 2007 –reprinted in Spain, 2007. PLAYS:Los Totoles, Editorial Alfaguara, México, 2000. Mi versión de los hechos, Arte y Cultura ediciones, México, 1997.Pesca de piratas: audiolibro, Producción de Radio Educación, México, 1993.Teatro Herético: Propusieron a Maria: diálogo imposible en un acto, Cocinar Hombres, Aura y las once mil vírgenes. Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, 1987.Cocinar hombres: obra de teatro íntimo, Ediciones La Flor, Mexico City, 1985.FEATURE MOVIE:Las paredes hablan, dir. Antonio Zavala, with Kuno Becker, María Aura, Héctor Bonilla, Mario Zaragoza, Miguel Rodarte, among others. Production: Teté Films, producers Anna Roth, Andrew Fierberg, Juan Aura. Mexico, 2014. CHILDREN´S BOOKS:Sólo para muchachos, Alfaguara, 1997.La Midas, CIDCLI, Mexico City, 1986. ESSAYS:Azúcar negra, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 2013. Rosario Castellanos: mujer de letras, Edición especial, Congreso Internacional La experiencia internacional de las mujeres, Conaculta, México, 2012. Cuando fui mortal, Editorial Cal y Arena, México, November, 2010. Papeles irresponsables, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, 1989.INTRODUCTIONS TO BOOKS (selection): Doña Bárbara, Rómulo Gallegos, Prólogo de Carmen Boullosa, Editorial Siruela, Madrid, 2010.Violenta pureza, (with Magali Lara and Eduardo Vázquez Martín), Consejo Nacional de Recursos para la Atención de la Juventud, 1988.Ramos Sucre, Material de Lectura, UNAM, Mexico City, 1997. Lo propio en lo ajeno, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City, 1977. EDITED BOOKS and magazines (selection): The Mexican Drug-War, Carmen Boullosa, Guest Editor, Words Without Borders, March 2012. Special Nueva York Issue, Translation Review 81. Guest Editors, Carmen Boullosa and Regina Galasso. Publication of the Center for Translation Studies, University of Texas at Dallas, 2011. Latin American Immigration and Culture, Review Magazine, Issue 77: The Americas Society, 2012. Todos los amores, antología de poesía amorosa, selección y prólogo de Carmen Boullosa, Editorial Alfaguara, México, 2000. More than 10 printings. ESSAYS IN BOOKS (selection): “Notes on Writing in Spanish in New York,” in Nueva York 1613-1945, edited by Edward Sullivan. Scala (2010). [Exhibit catalog]. “Marilyn Monroe´s Panties,” in How They See Us: Meditations on America, edited by James Atlas. Atlas Books. 2009.FICTION AND POETRY SELECTED FOR ANTHOLOGIES:Shapard, Thomas, Ray Gonzalez and Luisa Valenzuela, Sudden Fiction Latino: Short-Short Stories from the United States and Latin America, W. W. Norton & Company, 2010. Casa de Luciérnagas, Anthology. Compilation of the work of 35 women Spanish speakers poets from Spain and Latin America, compiled by Mario Campana. Bruguera, Madrid, Spain. March, 2007. Cent Ans de Littèrature Mexicaine, par Philippe Ollé-Laprune, Éditions de la Différence, Paris, March, 2007.Rodolfo Fonseca, David Huerta y Gerardo Rod, Poesía a cucharadas. Antología de la poesía mexicana del siglo XX. Poesía e infancia. Ediciones S.M., México, 2003. Manuel Francisco Reina, Mujeres de carne y verso. Antología poética femenina en lengua española del siglo XX. La esfera de los libros, Madrid, 2002. Mónica de la Torre & Michael Wiegers (eds): Reversible Monuments. Contemporary Mexican Poetry. Copper Canyon Press, 2002. Gabriela De Beer, Contemporary Mexican Women Writers, University of Texas Press, 1999. H. Adler, K. Röttger, Theaterstücke lateinamerikanischer Autorinnen ( Aura und die elftausend Jungfrauen , Aura y las once mil vírgenes, trans Bernd Kage ). Verveuert, 1998. Juvenal Acosta, Light From A Nearby Window, Contemporary Mexican Poetry. Poetry by Alberto Blanco, Carmen Boullosa, Ricardo Castillo, Lucha Corpi, David Huerta, Elva Macias, Silvia Tomasa Rivera, and more; named a Choice "Outstanding Academic book" for CityLights, 1995. Bilingual text. Forrest Gander, Mouth to Mouth: Poems by Twelve Contemporary Mexican Women. Milkweed Editions. 1993. Erna Pfeiffer, AMORica latina. Mein Kontinent - mein Körper. Erotische Texte Lateinamerikanischer Autorinnen. Wien: Wiener Frauenverlag, 1991, S. 13-24. George McWhirter, Where Words Like Monarchs Fly. Anthology of Mexican Poetry in Translation. (A Cross-Generational Anthology of Mexican Poets (1934-1955) in translations from North of the 49th Parallel). Anvil Press, Canada, 1989.WORK IN JOURNALS AND NEWSPAPERS: Contributions IN ENGLISH PERIODICALS (selection): “Angel´s Sound, Mexico City”, trans. Catherine Hammond, The American Poetry Review (January 2013). “Juan Pascoes Mexico City, A Horde of Poets”, Princeton University Library Chronicle (2010). “On Ana Teresa Torres”, Bomb Magazine (Winter 2009).“On Cristina Peri Rossi”, Bomb Magazine (Autum (2009). “A Garden of Monsters”, The Nation (March 21, 2008).“The Ghost and the Poet”, trans. Samantha Schnee, Bomb Magazine (Autumn 2008). “Their boots are made for Walking: El Taller de la Gráfica Popular”. Words without borders, The Online Magazine for International Literature (February, 2008). “Introduction”, Review, Issue 77, Magazine of the Americas Society (Boullosa was also the Guest Editor of this Issue), New York (2008).“On Gabriel Orozco”, Bomb Magazine, New York (January, 2007). “Bolaño in Mexico”, The Nation, New York (April 27, 2007). “Better Dissappear”, The Reading Room, Issue 7, New York (2007).“Artist-Citizen”, Columbia Record, "At Issue", number 3, Columbia University, November 19, 2006.“Dead Souls” (Essay-Review on Juan Rulfo), The Nation (June 5, 2006). “The Perfect Novel”, translated by Samantha Schnee, www.wordswithoutborders (February, 2006). “Lepanto´s Other Hand”, translated by Samantha Schnee, www.wordswithoutborders (June, 2006). “Guilty of Popularity” (Op ed piece), The New York Times (April 19th, 2005). “An Impossible Story”, Violations (stories of love by Latin American Women), edited and translated by Psiche Hugues, University of Nebraska Press (October 2004). “Seeing is Believing”, trans. Arthur Mac Adam, Open House: Writers Redefine Home, edited by Mark Doty, Graywolf Press, 2003. “On Roberto Bolaño”, Bomb Magazine (2002). ARTICLES, ESSAYS, MEMORIS, SHORT STORIES, IN SPANISH PERIODICALS (recent, selection): “Nervo, Ruelas y Agustini: triángulo funambulesco”, Revista de la Universidad, México (December 2010). “Filmados y no”, “El arte de la Independencia”, Culture Magazine Humboldt, 154 (September 2010). “Diario de junio”, Letras Libres, Mexico (August 2010). “Nueva York comienza a hablar de su hispanidad, pasada y futura”, El Clarín, Buenos Aires, Argentina (August 8, 2010),. “El marginal del centro” (on Carlos Monsiváis), Letras Libres, Mexico (Julio, 2010). “Una serpiente en el territorio de la ficción”, Los Suicidas, Mexico (April 2010). “Josefina y Eduardo” (sobre Hopper), Revista de la Universidad, Mexico (January 2010). “Generaciones en espejo”, Los suicidas, Mexico (August 2010). “Las paredes hablan” (fragmento), Crítica, Mexico (January 2010). “Las Insurgentas”, Revista Proceso, Especial Bicentenario, Mexico (2010). “El diálogo oculto entre África y América”, El País, Madrid, Spain (August 3, 2008). “¿Ser o no ser un Goya o un Anguissola?” El País, Madrid, Spain (February 8, 2008). Writes regularly a column (bimonthly) at the Mexican Newspaper El Universal, Mexico. TEACHING AND LECTURING:PROFESSORSHIPS: -City University New York (CUNY), City College , where she taught Latin American literature and creative writing. Courses she offered include: the Contemporary Latin American Novel, Twentieth Century Latin American Poetry, the Latin American Short Story, Cervantes and the Conquest of Latin America, Latin American Women Novelists, and Love and Desire in Latin American Poetry. From 2004 to 2010. - NYU, where she held the Andrés Bello Chair at the King Juan Carlos Center she taught Latin American Twentieth Century Poetry. 2003-2004. - Distinguished Professor at Columbia University, she taught Latin American Contemporary Novel, Latin American Poetry, and Latin American Short Stories. 2002-2003. - Chair Alfonso Reyes Chair, at La Sorbonne, Paris, France, she lectured on the relation of Novels and History. 2001. - Visiting Professor at Georgetown, she gave a course on the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío, the Peruvian César Vallejo and the Chilean Vicente Huidobro, and their impact on Latin American Poetry and society. 2008. As a Distinguished Professor at San Diego State University, she gave a course on Latin American Twentieth Century Poetry. 1990. LECTURES AND READINGS (selection): - Genoa Poetry Festival, poetry reading, June 2014. - Library of Congress, lecture – “An unauthorized History of Mexican Literature”-. March, 2014. - Library of Congress, lecture, December 12, 2013.- Read and hosted two round tables of Latin American women authors: poetry, October 16, and narrative, October 17h, Feria Internacional del Zócalo, Mexico City, 2010. - Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus, Reading Monsiváis in New York, september 29, 2010. - “El Amado Nervo de Carmen Boullosa”, Sala Adamo Boari, Palacio de Bellas Artes, México, agosto 28, 2010.- Lecture, “La novela y sus narradores”, Libera la Palabra, IV Conferencia Fundación Iberoamericana-PEN, Centro Social Caixanova, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, June 2nd, 2010. - Poetry reading, VI Festival Internacional de Poesía, Granada, Nicaragua, February 16, 2010. - Keynote speaker at the Conference “Así y hablan y escriben las mujeres”, Berne University, 2009. - Lecture at Yale, “Más acá de la nación”, at the symposium “Beyond the Nation”, October, 2009. - Read and lectured at Nantes, Nimmes, Montpelier, Lyon: Festival Belles Latines October, 2009. - "El Quijote en mi infancia". King Juan Carlos Center NYU, 29th September,. (In the series "Found in La Mancha: Other Readings of Don Quixote"). 2008. - Princeton University´s Library, Lecture on the Taller de la Gráfica Popular, 7th October, 2007.- Lectured and read poetry at the Festival de la Palabra, Armenia, Colombia. Carmen Boullosa received from the Mayor´s hands the keys of the city and from the wife of the Governor of Quindío a Condecoration (Distinguished Visitor of Quindío). November 12th, 2007.- Lecture on Gonzalo Rojas, Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 26th, 2007- Lecture on Rubén Darío, December 7th, Division of Worker Education of The City College of New York. 2008. - Organized the round table on “Emerging Writers” at el Museo del Barrio, New York, September, 2007. - Key Note Speaker at CASO, Quito, Ecuador, June, 2007. - Reading at The John Fowles Center, Champan University, Orange County, California, febrero 12, 2007. - Co-organizer of the Conference, "Los nuestros en Nueva York", Librería Lectorum, March, 2007. -Poetry reading, McNally Robinson bookstore, Soho, New York January 26, 2006. -Lecture: Literatura y Nacionalismo, Sala Manuel M. Ponce del Palacio de Bellas Artes, México, March 12, 2006. -Lecture: at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, San Louis Missouri, March 25, 2006. -Introduced Mexican writer Margo Glantz, McNally Robinson bookstore, April 7, 2006.-Lecture: Yo también soy Berlinés, Instituto Cervantes, Berlín, Germany, April 21, 2006. -Lecture: Muchos nunca son demasiados (Mexico City´s Literature Today), encuentro "México en letras", Casa de América, Madrid, April 25, 2006. -Lecture on Contemporary Mexican Poetry: Foro Complutense, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, April 26, 2006. -Informal talk, at Instituto Internacional, Madrid. April 27, 2006. -Round table on "Roberto Bolaño", at the Cervantes Institute, New York, April 29, 2006. -:Round Table Gotham Center, Poetry and History, with Bob Holman, Philip Lopate, Elisa New, Graduate Center, CUNY, May 6, 2006.-Moderates the round table: “From Modernismo to Today: The Impact of Asia on Literary Movements from the 19th Century to the Present”, Americas Society, May 11, 2006.- Reading: Literaturhaus, Basel, May 20, 2006. - Reading: Berliner Bücherfest, May 25, 2006.- PEN International Conference, invited as one of 6 authors to represent the world´s best literature at the "Luminaries" reading (with Nobel Laureate Bei Dao and others). Academy of the Arts, (Akademie der Künste), Berlin, May 23, 2006. -- Poetry Reading, Mc Nally Robinson Bookstore, Soho, New York, January 25th, 2006. - Lecture: Nacionalismo y literatura, Sala Manuel M. Ponce, Bellas Artes, Mexico City, March 12, 2006. - Poetry reading, Nolte Center, University of Minnesota. March 24, 2006. - Key note speaker at the University of Minnesota´s 10th Annual Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies: "(En)Countering Cultures." "El Quijote Today". March 25, 2006. - PEN International Conference, invited as one of 6 authors to represent the world´s best literature at the "Luminaries" reading (with Nobel Laureate Bei Dao and others). Academy of the Arts, (Akademie der Künste), Berlin, May 23, 2006. - Poetry Reading, Mc Nally Robinson Bookstore, Soho, New York, January 25th, 2006. - Lecture: Nacionalismo y literatura, Sala Manuel M. Ponce, Bellas Artes, Mexico City, March 12, 2006. - Poetry reading, Nolte Center, University of Minnesota. March 24, 2006. - Key note speaker at the University of Minnesota´s 10th Annual Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies: "(En)Countering Cultures." "El Quijote Today". March 25, 2006. -Lecture: Ich bin ein Berliner, Instituto Cervantes at Berlin, April 20, 2006.- Discovering Roberto Bolaño, round table at the World Voices Events, PEN, New York, April 29, 2006. - Lecture, ¿Con qué mano escriben algunos autores mexicanos?, Casa de América, April 26, 2006. - Reading at Berlin´s bookfair, at Bebelplatz, May 26, 2006. - Second international summit: "What comes after, Cities, Arts, Recovery, (Lower Manhattan Arts Association), Antjie Krog (South Africa) and Carmen Boullosa (Mexico/USA), conversation with Yvette Christiansë (South Africa/USA). Theresa Lang Center, The New School, September 16, 2006. - Lectured at XI Encuentro Internacional de Escritores 2006, Ficción y realidad. October 26. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, 2006. - Book talk, at Lectorum, with Eduardo Lago -in Spanish-. October 27, 2006. - Round Table at City College, with Eduardo Lago, José Manuel Prieto. November, 2006. - Gotham Center, Round Table, Uncovering a Hidden Story, November 30, 2006. -Lecture: Casa de las humanidades, UNAM, Mexico City, August 18, 2005.-Lecture: "Found in La Mancha: Other Readings of Don Quixote", King Juan Carlos Center, NYU, September 29, 2005. -Lecture: XV Feria internacional del libro, Monterrey, Mexico, October 9th, 2005.-Reading: from La otra mano de Lepanto, Librería Lectorum, New York, October 20th. -Lecture: - ALSC, Boston, ALSC, Boston, November 5, 2005. -Reading at MALBA, de Buenos Aires, November 10, 2005.-Lecture: Las mujeres de El Quijote, Feria Internacional del libro de Guadalajara (FIL), December, 2005. OTHER WORK:MUSEUM EXHIBITION:Art: Las despechadas, Museo Carrillo Gil, México, June 2014. Chief Advisor, Nueva York (1613 – 1945) exhibit, presented by the New-York Historical Society in collaboration with and on view at El Museo del Barrio, September 2010-January 9, 2011. Boullosa´s artist books have been exhibited at private Galleries, the Museo de Arte Moderno de la Ciudad de México – where they are part of their collection – and at the Sala Pablo Ruiz Picasso del Museo de Arte Moderno de Madrid. The New York Public Library owns a full collection. DOCUMENTARY FILMS: Ric Burns, Nueva York, on camera interview. 2010. The film was made for the Nueva York (1613 – 1945) Sueños de cristal: mexicanos en Nueva York, prod. Mexico City´s Government, 2001. Cantona, Prod. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, 2000.FEATURE FILM: Las paredes hablan. Script writer and Executive Producer. Directed by Antonio Zavala. With Kuno Becker, María Aura, Mario Zaragoza, Joaquin Cosio, Paulina Gaitán. Producer: Andrew Fierberg, Anna Roth, Juan Aura, Teté Films. Forthcoming, November, 2012. STAGED PLAYS (selection):Vacío, dirección de Julio Castillo, with Jesusa y las Sombras Blancas, Foro Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, UNAM, Mexico, 1980. (Staged at Smith College, by students, in 2002). Trece señoritas, con Jesusa, música de Liliana, dirección de la autora, Teatro de la Capilla, 1983. 50 representations. Cocinar hombres. Varias temporadas (1983-1989): El cuervo, Teatro de la Capilla, Polyforum Cultural Siquerios, Teatro de la Conchita, among other venues. 120 representations. El muerto vivo, El hijo del cuervo, 1989. X-E-Bululú, escrita en colaboración con Alejandro Aura, several seasons, 500 representations. Los Totoles, several seasons (Teatro Xola, Teatro de la Sogem), 300 representations. Her novel Antes was adapted for the stage by the Compañía de Teatro de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México. October-November, 2007. THEATRICAL PRODUCER:Founder and former co-owner of theater-bar El Hijo del Cuervo. Before that, she ran, with poet and actor Alejandro Aura, the theater-bar El Cuervo during 2 years. There´s a book published about this theater bars (El Hijo, Edición en Redacta, 1992, México), as well as several mentions in others. TELEVISION: Co-host of NUEVA YORK, CUNY-T.V. Interviews with Mario Vargas Llosa, Elena Poniatowska, Laura Restrepo, Laura Esquivel, Jorge Volpi, Eduardo Lago, Néstor García Canclini, Eugenia León, among many others. Nueva York has been awarded 3 New York EMMYs. During 1990 and 1991, she did weekly interviews with writers for Mexican Public Television (on the show "Entre Amigos", transmitted by the then Public Cultural Channel Canal 13).AUDIOTAPES AND CDS:Ser el esclavo que perdió su cuerpo, Voz Viva de México, UNAM, México, 2000.El pequeño pirata sin rabia, música de Briseño y Hebe Rossell, acetato, Mexico City, 1995. SELECTED WORKS ABOUT HER WORKBOOKS: Hernández Alvidrez, Elizabeth, Nueva narrativa mexicana, México, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional / Bonilla Artigas Editores (Públicatextos; 1), 2014.Ferrero Cándenas, Inés, Gendering the Marvellous: Remedios Varo, Elena Garro y Carmen Boullosa, Universidad de Guanajuato, 2011, pp. 322Brown, J. Andrew, Cyborgs in Latin America, Ricardo Piglia, Edmundo Paz Soldán, Carmen Boullosa and Alberto Fuguet, , Palgrave MacMillan, 2010.Finnegan ,Nuala and Jane Finnegan, et al., The Boom Femenino in Mexico, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.Fine, Ruth, Cervantes y las religiones, Iberoamericana Editorial Verveurt, Madrid/Frankfurt, 2008.Rodgers, Christy, Mejor Desaparece/Just Disappear: A full English translation and critical analysis of the novel by Carmen Boullosa, VDM Verlag, 2009. González Boixo, José Carlos ed., Tendencias de la narrativa mexicana actual, (La reescritura de la historia: Terra Nostra de Carlos Fuentes, La noche de Tlatelolco de Elena Poniatowska y Cielos de la Tierra de Carmen Boullosa, Rosa María Díez Cobo), Universidad Nacional del Mar del Plata, Argentina.Álvarez, Natalia, La narrativa mexicana escrita por mujeres desde 1968 a la actualidad, Universidad de León. Editorial Verveurt, Madrid/Frankfurt, 2009. Santos, Cristina, Bending the Rules in the Quest for an Authentic Female Identity: Clarice Lispector and Carmen Boullosa (Wor(L)Ds of Change, Peter Lang Publishing, 2007. Seydel, Ute, Narrar historia(s). La ficcionalización de temas históricos por las escritoras mexicanas Elena Garro, Rosa Beltrán y Carmen Boullosa (un acercamiento transdisciplinario a la ficción histórica), Iberoamericana /Vervuert, Madrid/Frankfurt, 2007. Chorba, Carrie, Mexico, From Mestizo to Multicultural: National Identity and Recent Representations of the Conquest, Vanderbilt University Press, 2007.Patán, Federico, No más de tres cuartillas, por favor. Reseñas sobre narrativa mexicana del siglo XX, México, Ariadna (Laberinto de Papel; 3), 2006.Hind, Emily Ann, Entrevistas con quince autoras mexicanas, Madrid, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2003Mattalia, Sonia, Máscaras Suele Vestir: Pasión y Revuelta: Escrituras de Mujeres en América Latina, Libros sin fronteras, 2003. Caufield, Catherine L., A Hermeneutical Approach to Religious Discourse in Mexican Narrative, Rosario Castellano's Oficio de tinieblas, Elena Poniatowska's Hasta no verte Jesús mío, Vicente Leñero's El evangelio de Lucas Gavilán, and Carmen Boullosa's La Milagrosa, Peter Lang, 2003. Gundermann, Eva, Desafiando lo abyecto, una lectura feminista de Mejor desaparece de Carmen Boullosa, Peter Lang, 2002. Forné, Anna, La piratería textual. Un estudio hipertextual de Son vacas, somos puercos y El médico de los piratas de Carmen Boullosa, Lund, Sweden Romanska Institutionen, Lunds Universitet, 2001.Peters, Michaela, Weibsbilder. Weiblichkeitskonzepte in der mexikanischen Erzählliteratur von Rulfo bis Boullosa, Frankfurt, Vervuert, Frankfurt, 1999. Dröscher, Barbara and Rincon, Carlos (eds.), Acercamientos a Carmen Boullosa. Actas del simposio «Conjugarse en infinitivo- la escritora Carmen Boullosa», Berlín, Edition Tranvia, 1999.Ansoleaga, Blanca, Escribir la infancia. Narradoras mexicanas contemporáneas, Estudio preliminar de Nora Pasternac, Advertencia de Elena Urrutia. Compilación e introducción de Luzelena Gutiérrez de Velasco, Ana Rosa Domenella, México, El Colegio de México / Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer de El Colegio de México, 1996.DISSERTATIONS:Vincent, Shelby, Translating Translators, History, and Memories in Carmen Boullosa’s Cielos de la Tierra, PhD, University of Texas at Houston, 2014. Martin, Allysha, Consuming women: Cultural subversion through consumption in late twentieth-century women writers' narratives in Latin America, PhD. University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2014.Fuentes, Cristina. Espacio y marginalidad en la narrativa mexicana del siglo XX, PhD, Irvine, California (2014). (El último capítulo, analiza Hasta no verte Jesús mío, La insólita historia de la Santa de Cabora y Duerme, de Carmen Boullosa.Mossbauer, Teresa, Mexikanische Autorinnen im Spannungsfeld zwischen “Machismo" und "Feminismo" – Castellanos, Poniatowska, Glantz, Boullosa”. Universidad de Viena, PhD, 2013. Zavala, Paola E., Antes, la mirada subversiva de Carmen Boullosa, PhD, University of Wyoming, 2013. Hornike, Dafna, Orientation towards home or the boundaries of the nomad, Cornell University, PhD, 2013.Escamilla, Annette Marie, The performance of feminity in several metatheatrical works by Paloma Pedrero, Dolores Prida and Carmen Boullosa, PhD, University of Houston, 2012.Stachura, Anne-Marie, An Inhospitable World: The Post-national Imaginary in Latin American Novel and Film, 2000—2010 (Anacristi Rossi, Bolaño, Chávez Castañeda, Fresán, y “La novela perfecta” de Carmen Boullosa), PhD, University of Virginia, 2012. Bouloukos Beth, Mystical Queerings: Ecstasy And Transcendence In Latin American Texts, PHD, Cornell. 2011. Puotkalyte-Gurgel, Kristina, Envisioning the end of the world: Mexican apocalyptic novels in the era of globalization (Cielos de la Tierra, by Carmen Boullosa), PhD, The University of Wisconsin - 2011. Hug, Chantell,. La sangre y el disfraz: identidad en Duerme y La otra mano de Lepanto. University of Calgary, PHD. 2011.Bernal, Alejandra, El imperativo de la memoria cultural en Cielos de la Tierra de Carmen Boullosa, MA. Ottawa University, 2010-2011.Callewaert, Lore, Carmen Boullosa en busca de la identidad mexicana: hacia un análisis de su novelística a la luz de la nueva novela histórica. Universiteit Gent, Master, 2010.Ayala-Gilot, Yelitza, La imagen del agua en Pedro Páramo, de Juan Rulfo, “Chac Mool”, de Carlos Fuentes y Duerme, de Carmen Boullosa: la corporeidad de una identidad líquida, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, 2010.Moraga, Juan Carlos, La otra mano de Lepanto de Carmen Boullosa: en busca del texto transatlántico. MA, San Diego State University, 2009. pp. 89Wolfenson, Carolyn Niego, “A discourse repeated: Latin American novels entangled in history”, sobre Antonio di Benedetto, Reinaldo Arenas, Carmen Boullosa, y Rosas Paravicino, Ph.D., Cornell U

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