I know Manchester well having lived there for a number of years with close friends and relatives related through marriage. What strikes you about "Mancunians" is their tough northern yet always friendly approach, and their unique sense of loyalty and close family ties. This was never greater than in...
This is a magnificent book in so many ways. It is not only an extremelly well researched and heart rending story of a man whoose life was destroyed by doing good, but also a fantastic social study of working class Manchester in the 60's. In parts it reads like a thriller, there are so many memorable...
A very difficult read but well researched and presented.
Narrative and truth are, at times, subjective especially in the case of narrative. Truth is also subjective. This idea of narrative and truth come into play in this book.Lee's book is somewhat a biography of Otto Frank as well as a proposal for who betrayed or informed on the Franks. The edition ...
Although I didn't think this book was spectacularly written, it was fascinating to see the life of Otto Frank as it was totally different than what I thought had become of him. More the content vs. writing style is what is behind my 4 star rating.
This was one of the first books I read about Anne Frank (after the diary, of course). The retelling of Anne's story is simple, yet still powerful and poignant.
I really loved this book.