This is a magical realist novel. Some people think that it is high literature, but it isn't. IT is very derivative of Garcia Marquez but without the wonderful language. The book is divided into twelve chapters named after the months of the year. That is done for no apparent reason that I could se...
I kind of have a love/hate relationship with this book. However I did enjoy the novel, it's structure is really unique. I don't think I have read many books like this. The characters are somewhat one dimensional but it kind of works for this type of story. The novel has more of a fairy tale v...
I read this ages and ages ago and all I really remembered from it was something about Tita's sister having a very unfortunate digestive condition and a volcano. The title was mentioned during the UK bookaday thing we did back in July, so when I stumbled across a hardcover copy in a UBS, I thought "...
This novel is endearing and unique--Not really fantasy although--more literary fiction imbued with magical realism set in on a Mexican ranch near the border in the early 20th century. Tita is denied permission to marry her love Pedro because a family tradition demands as youngest daughter it is her ...
The first time I read this book, years ago, I thought it was so romantic and beautifully tragic. I even liked the movie! I recently re-read it, however, and all I could think was, well, 'blerg.' Tita was too much of a doormat for the majority of the story and Pedro was a selfish, shallow coward who ...