Born in Krefeld/Germany Carola Kickers (pen-name Carol Grayson) followed the literary traces of her grandfather Hardy Kickers who became known as a composer and author of regional novels in the 1940s and 1950s. Therefore, it was obvious to found at first a small music publishing company. ...
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Born in Krefeld/Germany Carola Kickers (pen-name Carol Grayson) followed the literary traces of her grandfather Hardy Kickers who became known as a composer and author of regional novels in the 1940s and 1950s. Therefore, it was obvious to found at first a small music publishing company. Presently, the author lives in a small village and is mainly writing Mystery and Dark Fantasy short stories and novels. But also crime novels and stories for children are put to paper by her. Some of her short stories have been published in German anthologies and several of her stories won awards.So far, she published several audio books with dark romance and mystery short stories. The vampire novel series "LUX AETERNA" - The adventures of the vampire Jason Dawn - is published in German only up to now and includes 6 volumes. The second serial has just started with volume 1 (Jason Dawn - Das Tarot der Vampire)Meanwhile, an exclusive marketing has been built around the Jason Dawn Saga such as the tailor-made garments, perfumes or ornaments of the characters acting in the Saga. You can also visit her German blog
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