3.5*The blurb is very misleading... I liked neither characters, Pandora was too naive and jumped to conclusions and Rupert aka Devil walked all over her.On another note I'll read the last book, I am hoping it'll be better.
This review will appear at http://romantichistoricallovers.wordpress.com/ on December 18, 2012.Some Like it Wicked is the lovely tale of a woman who is so sweet and yet has been shunned by the ton. She bears this all and plans to leave polite society when Rupert Stirling decides he wants her in his ...
Loved the cover, loved the hero, even loved the basic plot... I just really, really disliked Pandora. I can't really put my finger on it, either, as to what it was about her that I disliked. Was it her perfect body and decided lack of missishness when it came to lovemaking, despite her inexperience?...