Pensavo di dargli quattro stelle, ma nelle pagine finali è esploso con tutta la sua delicatezza.Non pensavo di dargli il massimo forse perché mi sono sentita irrequieta durante la sua lettura: da un lato non vedevo l'ora di girare pagina ed arrivare al finale per scoprire come tutti quei dettagli an...
A Flower for the Queen was quite a disappointment. It's described in its blurbs as an adventure story set in South Africa in the 1700's, and just seemed like an overall fascinating story. I'll never really know, I guess, because – as I seem to be saying a lot lately – the writing fought me, and – I ...
I was given an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.I agreed to be honest, so here goes. I didn't even finish this book. I couldn't. I don't know if there was something wrong with the Kindle version I received or if someone really did a terrible job editing. My ...