Apophis is an entertaining and engaging read that looks at our world as it prepares for Apophis’ impact, and then the world a thousand years after that. Not ground-breaking, but definitely thought-provoking, Apophis examines both sides of the coin of the practice of eugenics and the lengths to which...
The cover totally caught my attention. Sounds so interesting, too!
Silver Knight is a book I enjoyed reading, but that left me confused at times.First, I must say that I liked the overall plot. It seemed intriguing at first—'a girl realizing that the priest in a certain YouTube video is actually a man she met in a former life—and it kept on being so. What could hav...
This story has some really interesting takes on historical myth and fact. Diana is a 17 year old girl who is excited about becoming a senior in high school until she sees a YouTube video of priest that she somehow recognizes. She even knows him by name and understands that the video is asking for ...
When I first read the little blurb I was one part worried and three parts in intrigued. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything about incarnation but I know it’s something that requires a deft touch to pull off without leaving out something vital to making it all work. I read the chapter sampler Caron...
As seen on Ed and Em's Reviews!3 Stars!Silver Knight has a very interesting and original plot line. I read the blurb on Goodreads and my first thought was, I've never heard of anything like this before!The voice of the novel is a teenage girl and it's writing very well, in the sense that you can bel...
Silver Knight is a fast-paced and amazing romp through a set of past lives. It's the type of book that draws you in, and even though a few different genres are mixed it works well! Caron Rider has managed to mix together modern high school life, with a girl who has shades of her past lives peppered ...