I am a British American ex-professional pastry chef with a crazy, 4-country, 3-continent-spanning resume which includes such things as a chocolate TV show, a chocolate cookbook, & making pastries for the Queen of England. I trained at the National Bakery School in London.These days I use my...
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I am a British American ex-professional pastry chef with a crazy, 4-country, 3-continent-spanning resume which includes such things as a chocolate TV show, a chocolate cookbook, & making pastries for the Queen of England. I trained at the National Bakery School in London.These days I use my pastry chef talents to create scrumptious recipes to help the world eat smarter, live better, & put the ‘healthy’ back into healthy again. I create gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free recipes for LCHF, KETO, SANE, LowCarb, Paleo, Primal, WheatBelly, Wild Diet, Bulletproof, & other health-focused & optimal nutrition dietary approaches.I am an author, podcast co-host, recipe developer, & photographer, creating useful, fun, & beautiful stuff about food, travel, and living a sane life.On my blog I share tales of food, travel, and adventure from my splendid single life in the sane lane, as well as my trials and triumphs with Bi-polar Disorder, Adrenal Fatigue, and my journey back to slim and vibrant.Here’s a few cliff-notes: British American living in Seattle. Love eating. Have an accent like crack (apparently). Go on {very} long, crazy road-trips regularly. Live with a couple of large cameras, a pile of cats (Florence, Penelope, Zebedee, Daisy, and Mr. McHenry), & a ridiculous amount of cocoa powder. Have a propensity for driving on anything that even vaguely resembles a dirt road – especially if it is not marked on a map. Think leeks are the finest vegetable on earth. Started this thing called The Big Breakfast Adventure & now entirely unable to stop. Adore daffodils. Dream about eating expeditions in Paris & Bruges. Couldn’t do a push-up if my life depended on it. Driving solo for 14 hours straight is pretty much nirvana-on-wheels to me. Wear a lot of black & white…that’s how my brain works too. Like to get up at 4 am to photograph the sunrise and be first in line for breakfast. Go completely gaga over the scent of roses. Known for my disarming honesty & openness: I say it how it is. Especially about me. Just to be clear though, it’s not always rainbows and unicorns.And there’s more: {Fat} Dr. Pepper is delicious – even though I no longer drink it; it is evil! My kitchen is yellow, like butter. Believe Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar could cure a lot of the world’s ills. Have a fondness for sitting on the edge of large bodies of water. Avid label reader. Non-swimmer. Sunshine gets me {very} happy. Refuse to use my microwave unless it’s a National Emergency. Have a secret crush on tractors. I. LOVE. VEGGIES. Do not have a TV. Recently added a confusing amount of pink to my wardrobe, and made friends with my local police sergeant. You never know when you might need a burly cop to come to the rescue. Consistently failed Mind Reading 101. Crazy about smoked trout; and white. Hopeless at sewing. Instigated a kitchen-wide ban on all plastic containers. Never leave home without six 72-hour kits in the car. Think Cauliflower Cheese is the bomb. Have a love-hate relationship with exercise, Sunmaid Raisin Bread, and my therapist. Would drive a really long way for really great food – and do, often. Eat leeks pretty much daily. I have a completely ridiculous schedule and half the time I swear I don’t know my a** from my elbow. Nevertheless, I am * in LOVE * with my life. It’s a little bit of crazy with a whole lot of sane.
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