Carter Quinn
Birth date: September 18, 1972
Carter Quinn's Books
**** 4,5 confused but worth it in the end stars **** OMG! This was so great! I read all three books back to back, and I'm very glad I read these when all the installments were out. I had all the feels about this book. Mostly confusion. LOL! But I was also shocked, sad, happy, scared and effing ...
Lord. I was gonna say I'd write a review once my brain clears but honestly I'm not sure what I would say. This one just needs to be experienced. So... Awesome BR within Marte and Teri
Still stands... My mind is a mess but this is sooo great. Let's see how this mindfuck ends!
My gawd. I need answers before I can even consider anything about this.
A satisfying conclusion to this three part mystery. I sorta guessed the plot reveal, I felt a few loose ends were unresolved or glossed over.