Cast in Chaos
ASIN: B006O5260C
Publish date: December 20th 2011
Publisher: Audible, Inc.
Edition language: English
Series: Chronicles of Elantra (#6)
While the world building and mythology of this book is still spectacular and about as original as you get with UF, the conflicts are getting so abstract that it's tedious to read in parts. And the end of this book totally made me want to sing "kumbaya" (which is never good). And... I never thought I...
4.5/5/ 5 stars; AI think this was my favourite book in the series so far. Kaylin kind of saves the world again. I thought the travel between worlds and the continuing revelations about the Ancient ones, the elemental garden, and the cranky dragons was well done. Strangely, Kaylin is still only a...
*Genre* Fantasy, Science Fiction*Rating* 4.0*Review forthcoming*Probably the best book of the series to this point. I really enjoyed reading about Kaylin's journey and her continued awareness that as the so called Chosen, she has responsibilities to a lot different variations she encounters over the...
I hesitated for awhile before tackling CAST IN CHAOS, mainly because I couldn't remember if I was caught up this far into the series. According to Goodreads I was, though after so much time had passed, I had a hard time remembering the details of past books. And there's a lot of references to past...