Castle in the Air
A magical Arabian Nights tale from the captivating creator of fantasy, Diana Wynne Jones. The dazzling sequel to Howls Moving Castle, now a major animated film. Far to the south in the Land of Ingary, lives a young carpet merchant called Abdullah. In his dreams, he is the long-lost son of a great...
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A magical Arabian Nights tale from the captivating creator of fantasy, Diana Wynne Jones. The dazzling sequel to Howls Moving Castle, now a major animated film. Far to the south in the Land of Ingary, lives a young carpet merchant called Abdullah. In his dreams, he is the long-lost son of a great prince. This dream is a complete castle in the air! or is it? Abdullah's day-dreams suddenly start to come true when he meets the exquisite Flower-in-the-Night, daughter of the ferocious Sultan of Zanzib. Fate has destined them for each other, but a bad-tempered genie, a hideous djinn, and various villanous bandits have their own ideas. When Flower-in-the-Night is carried off, Abdullah is determined to rescue her -- if he can find her.
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Format: paperback
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages no: 285
Edition language: English
Series: Howl's Moving Castle (#2)
This story is based off Arabian Nights: One Thousand and One Nights. This story takes place in the world of Howl's Moving Castle. Abdullah spends a lot of his time daydreaming. When his dreams start coming true, he is thrilled until things start to go bad. Abdullah must set off on a quest to save th...
Since this is the sequel to Howl’s Moving Castle, I really wanted to like this book. But I just couldn’t get into it. So the plot goes as follows: a young guy named Abdullah lives in the Sultanates of Rashpuht and sells carpets for living, but dreams of being a prince. By an odd chance, he comes int...
Howl's Moving Castle - now Aladdin flavored, with 40% more human transformations!I was having a lot of fun reading Castle in the Air. Abdullah was such an unlikely hero, and his attempts to speed his quest up by challenging Fate to get his love, Flower-in-the-Night back often ended in hilarity.The e...
Sometimes it's hard to pick the next book I want to read (new stuff usually beats out old stuff, and the new stuff I have is numerous enough to make it difficult to select what I really really want to read next), so it's good to implement a system to help me pick the next one. This time, I decided ...
Fantastyczna podróż na latającym dywanie, pełna magii, miłości i przygód nie z tego świata. Powieść niedoceniona. Brakuje mi jej w polskiej świadomości czytelniczej, pomimo że została wydana w 2006 roku przez Amber (w bardzo okropnej okładce...). Kolejny z moich kroków oswajania się z literackim a...