by Lynee Truss
This isn't usually the kind of book I would read -- it's sort of a humorous murder mystery, I guess? But it had a talking cat, and that was really all I cared about going it.And the best part about this book is the cats. The humor fell flat for me -- it just wasn't my style, and I have trouble laugh...
Cat out of Hell is so far the most problematic book that I have had to review so far. I thought it would be a sweet story about a talking cat, instead it was a grim story about a talking cat, well it tried to be grim, but it was mostly confusing and silly with a lot of plot holes. The only part of t...
This was funny and made me look at my cat Alyce a little differently. Roger was ace, a talking cat that wants to tell his story about his life and the cruelty the cat master did to the kittens, and how the cat master uses the few cats that survive 9 deaths. The story centers round Captain and Rodger...
bookshelves: boo-scary, fradio, published-2014, radio-4, spring-2014, bedside, gothic Recommended for: BBC Radio Listeners Read from March 03 to 17, 2014 BABTDescription: By acclaimed storyteller Lynne Truss, author of the bestselling Eats, Shoots and Leaves, the mysterious tale of a cat with n...
[This book was kindly provided to me for the price of No Monies by the kind people at Random House UK/Cornerstone, facilitated in this act of goodness by the almighty NetGalley] I have one goal in life: the acquisition of 16 more cats who will happily eat my corpse in the 3 week gap between my acq...
I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads First Reads!I love the idea of evil talking cats, but maybe this book wasn’t quite to my humour. I didn’t really feel the ‘funny’ in it. I liked the book, I found it interesting, but I don’t think I got as much out of it as I was wanting. I thoug...