Cat's Eye
Format: kindle
The book that follows a controversial woman artists life from her childhood through to adulthood from WWII through the 1980s her history is weaved throughout the book in short chapters which made it a quick pick up and put down kind of book. Really enjoyed it.
Some twenty years have passed since painter Elaine Risley left Toronto, Canada. Now she is back for a retrospective exhibition of her work and memories of childhood and youth flood her mind. Many of them are one way or another related to her "best friend" Cordelia who bullied her in primary school u...
Elaine returns to her home town of Toronto and reflects on her life in the town. Mostly revolving around her friends. ughhhh I didn't like this book as much as I'd hoped I would. It was okay, but it was so long and just I don't know, I wanted more from it, while also wanting less of it. Atwood is ...
Listen, I hate to be the guy who ruins the joke, but it's impossible to seriously judge Canadian literature without acknowledging that Canada is not a real place. It's a funny little conceit, but it's stretching plausibility a bit far to pretend that there's some enormous country right on top of the...
Elaine, a famous artist is invited to Toronto where she grew up, to assemble a retrospective of her art. The combination of the retrospective and coming back to her home town causes Elaine to think over her life, including some very difficult friendships she had as a child. Normally I love Margare...