I think this was another Humble Bundle read. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. It was all about a hitman and a woman trapped in an abusive marriage, whose lives intersect in a completely unexpected way. I won't give away the end of this issue, but I found myself pulled in, as I most often am when G...
Maybe this was bound to be disappointing: it's trying to explain an abduction that the series spent nine years unraveling. How can you do that justice in less than fifty heavily illustrated pages? I'll never know, because the narrative made such a bizarre decision that all you get is a regurg...
4,5*For me, this was the best Orphan Black comic yet. The background information was very interesting; I think we all want to know what made Rachel who she is today. I can't wait to learn more about the newly introduced clone, Veera, and I can't wait till November to read Orphan Black: Helsinki!