by Yasmine Surovec
Some cat humorists really get cats, Surovec really gets the "cat mom." Lots of fun. I laughed out loud uncontrollably several times.
Cat vs Human is a comic skit about an owner with her cats and her obsession with everything with cats. Starting with Anatomy of a Cat Lady which is deathly funny and it goes on to the things that her cats do to her. Some can be totally relatable and some can be totally exaggerated. It's fully illus...
So adorable. I love the simple and cute graphic style. I love the accuracy with which Surovec portrays both cats and dogs, not to mention the humans in their thrall. It made me laugh a lot and made me wince in recognition more than a time or three.
I had never read this blog before finding this book. I have been a cat owner most of my life, so I can appreciate a lot of the humor in this book. I think there is even some room for dog lovers to appreciate it as well. My favorite strip in the book is "Dog + Humans vs Cat + human". Any cat owne...