by Tara Lain
Shifters and witches and humans all fight together for love.Aloysius is a cat who also happens to magnify the strength of one of the most powerful witches in the world. Unfortunately, after being attacked, he becomes a human with no memory of who or what he is except his name--Alain. Luke Elliott is...
Now this is definitely something sweet! Official review to come.
LOved it!!
Blurb extract: ....the flamboyant boy who washes his face with the side of his hand and tries to lick his own privates! This is going to be much much fun :P
This might be my favorite of the series, I certainly liked it better than the last one. I always loved Al and it was great to see he got his happy ending.
4 1/2 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book ReviewsThis story is part of a series and must be read in order. Aloysius is a powerful witch’s familiar but when he saves Blaine and Killian from a witch’s attack he loses everything - his power, his memory and his cat form – he wakes up human surround by...
Oh dear, it's going to be hard to review this and not give away any of the delicious details..oh well, I'll start with something really easy, I love the cover, I actually think this whole series has great covers. I read the first book in this series [b:Spell Cat|13509870|Spell Cat (The Aloysius Tal...
Goddamn, I love the covers in this series! I really need to read them asap!