by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
A bit weird. OK, read in all one sitting and I liked the 'world' created for this story, but I can understand the reason this book isn't found in too many public libraries. Waaaaay too much emphasis on the teen's masturbatory (by the aliens) and sexual encounters (with another teen). It's not handle...
A bit weird. OK, read in all one sitting and I liked the 'world' created for this story, but I can understand the reason this book isn't found in too many public libraries. Waaaaay too much emphasis on the teen's masturbatory (by the aliens) and sexual encounters (with another teen). It's not handle...
This is one of the oddest, kinkiest YA SF books I've read in a while. In her other fantasy novels, Hoffman has often touched upon the theme of people with too much power over others and how they abuse that power. Teenaged Kaslin has been at the whim of his parents, a bully, and now the aliens he f...
A very short book.This book reminded me in many ways of many kids/YA books I've read about young people making first contact with an alien species. (Andre Norton's, for example). A young teenager on a colony world, fleeing a bully, stumbles into a cave and finds an alien "city." Issues with the bull...